
We are an independent organization by and for migrant women*. Our goal is to better the living and working situation of migrant women* in Austria and to promote their political and cultural participation, as well as to transform the existing, unjust social conditions.

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Verein maiz

Scharitzerstraße 6-8 / 1st floor
4020 Linz

Opening Hours:

Monday to Thursday: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Friday: closed

To make an appointment, call us under +43 0732 776070 or write to beratung@maiz.at

Inquiries to: maiz@servus.at


As part of our counseling work we develop, together with migrant women, strategies to support the articulation and improvement of their life and work situations. Our counseling services are anonymous and partisan, with the goal of enforcing the rights of migrants. In doing so, strengthening migrant women as political subjects in their private, occupational and social lives is our most important concern.

Active participation of migrant women in cultural work – starting with the development phase to the point of the realization of a cultural project – plays an important part regarding the development of political articulation.

maiz’s educational activities are aimed at migrant women and youth in order to support them both linguistically and socio-culturally for the demands of everyday life as well as for the labor market.

The connection, intersections and interrelations between theory and practice have been an important feature of maiz's political work since the beginning.

Die Aktivitäten von maiz im Bereich der Sexarbeit werden stets von den Bedürfnissen der Sexarbeiter*innen geleitet und sollen die Professionalisierung und Selbstermächtigung von Migrant*innen in der Sexarbeit unterstützen.

The youth projects offer young people an opportunity to articulate their concerns publicly, in their words. Topics such as exclusion, isolation, racism, sexism, identity, awareness, recognition are discussed again and again.

Aktuelle Projekte

Permanent Projects



Uni der Ignorantinnen

migrazine logo


das kollektiv (the collective) stands for critical education, counselling, and cultural work by and for migrants. It provides educational opportunities for all women* across different origins or legal statuses and thus creates new spaces for social action. We are called das kollektiv, because, like maiz, we define ourselves as a community and a space of active women's solidarity.

Die Aktivitäten von maiz werden gefördert von:

