maiz Sex & Work - what we fight for, what we do...
A central area of the work of maiz is the cooperation with migrants who are active in sex work. In Upper Austria about 90% of the sex workers are migrants. They are repeatedly exposed to multiple forms of discrimination: due to their origin, their gender and their activity.
maiz advocates for the recognition of sex work as gainful employment, thus combating the stigmatization, discrimination, and criminalization of individuals offering sexual services. Simultaneously, our work embodies anti-racist and queer-feminist engagement as essential components. maiz’s activities in the realm of sex work consistently align with the needs of sex workers and aim to promote the professionalization and self-determination of migrant individuals in sex work.
What we want to achieve with and for migrants
- Improving the living and working conditions of sex workers
- Creating equal opportunities through anti-racist and anti-sexist work
- Removing the stigma around sex work and decriminalising sex workers
- Challenging stigma and discrimination by eradicating biases and acknowledging sex work as gainful employment
- Enhancing professionalism and fostering self-empowerment among migrant individuals engaged in sex work.
- Encouraging the development of social networks within the sex worker community.
Services for migrants in sex work
Our services aim to cater to migrants involved in sex work, without regard to their registration status, residence, or country of origin. In addition to offering anonymous and confidential counseling services and providing various informational resources and work materials, we are actively engaged in public relations and advocacy efforts. Fostering a robust network among sex workers is another key priority for us. We aim to create safe spaces where sex workers can gather and collectively discuss their living and working conditions, enabling collective empowerment and organization. Our services, projects, and events are developed collaboratively with sex workers, as we are committed to addressing their needs.
We try to exchange and communicate with other organisations and activists on a regional as well as international level. Due to our diverse work, the spectrum of networking is continuously expanding. Within the framework of cooperation projects, we contribute theoretical content as well as practical knowledge in numerous places. New associations in the field of anti-racist political work are also very important to us.
National networking:
- We collaborate with other counseling centers and self-organized groups of sex workers across Austria to collectively combat the discrimination faced by sex workers.
- We actively participate in meetings of the Arbeitsgruppe Prostitution (Working Group on Prostitution) within the der Task Force Menschenhandel (Task Force on Human Trafficking). Established in 2009 and led by the Frauenressorts – Bundesministerium für Frauen und Gesundheit (Women’s Affairs – Federal Ministry for Women and Health), this working group consists of thirty experts who convene twice a year for a two-day conference.
International networking:
- We actively participate in international congresses and conferences, such as the Sex Work Congress in Germany, to stay informed about the latest developments.
- As a member of the Global Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP) – a global network dedicated to upholding the rights of sex workers by promoting their autonomy and combating violence and discrimination – we contribute to worldwide efforts.
- We are also a member of the International Committee on the Rights of Sex Workers in Europe (ICRSE), a European network committed to safeguarding the civil and human rights of sex workers while fostering acceptance and respect for individuals engaged in sex work.
- Additionally, we participate in the research network known as European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST), which conducts research on various topics, including sex work, on a European scale.
Sex work and migration
We are very excited to share our first podcast episode with you. Join us for a captivating interview on the topics of sex work and migration with the delightful Maria on our SozialPod podcast.
Don't miss it! Go to the podcast episode.
General opening hours:
Monday to Thursday between 09:00 am and 02:00 pm.
Consultation appointments can also be made at separate times.
Consultations are arranged by phone or email, but you are also welcome to come in person.
To make an appointment or if you have any questions, please call 0732 776070 (it is also possible to call anonymously with a blocked number) or write to beratung@maiz.at
In case of violence, you can also find help immediately at:
- The 24 hour women*’s helpline: 0800 222 555
- The police emergency number: 133
- The Gewaltschutzzentrum OÖ (Violence Protection Center Upper Austria): 0732 607760 / ooe@gewaltschutzzentrum.at