Parallel to the very first German course that maiz organized in 1995, the participants also requested related counseling. Since then, we have made counseling services by and for migrant women* a central focus of our work at maiz.
As part of our counseling work we develop, together with migrant women*, strategies to support the articulation and improvement of their life and work situations. Our counseling services are anonymous and partisan, with the goal of enforcing the rights of migrants. In doing so, strengthening migrant women* as political subjects in their private, occupational and social lives is our most important concern.
We are there for migrant women* ...
regardless of their country of origin
regardless of their residence status
regardless of their type of activity or work
regardless of their sexual orientation
regardless of their religious affiliation
Our guiding principles are:
Anonymity: Our counseling services are designed to be accessible without the need of sharing personal data.
Advocacy: We firmly stand with migrants, representing their perspectives to the world and providing support in asserting their rights.
Anti-racism: Recognizing that many of the challenges faced by migrant women* are rooted in the racist structures of society, we are committed to addressing and combatting these issues.
Our objective is strengthening migrant women*s life both individually and collectively!
In addition to working with acute problems, we provide ongoing guidance and assistance to migrant women* in navigating legal residency and everyday challenges. We want to support migrant women* in their independence and in their right to self-advocacy. We provide holistic, qualified and unbureaucratic advice. Our primary focus is on recognizing and accommodating the diverse and unique life circumstances of migrant women*.
As a family counseling center, we also provide exceptional counseling services for men on matters related to partnership and family concerns. However, we encourage women* to be the primary point of contact in such cases.
Violence prevention - Across all levels:
Numerous migrant women* face various forms of violence, both personal and structural. Therefore, a key aspect of our work is violence prevention. We support migrant women* by educating them about their rights, whether as migrants, spouses, or employees, and we also provide information on the so called “Gewaltenschutzgesetz”. This information is disseminated through our counseling sessions, informational events, and workshops.
Our approach combines violence prevention with efforts to enhance the overall living and working conditions for migrant women*. We believe that achieving independence, particularly on legal and financial fronts, is a crucial step toward a life free from violence.
In our pursuit of these objectives, we are committed to:
Offering Alternatives for Victims of Violence: Providing viable options and resources for those affected by violence.
Facilitating Integration into the Labor Market: Assisting migrant women* in becoming a part of the workforce.
Supporting the Building of Social Networks and Language Skills: Helping individuals establish connections and develop language proficiency.
Advocating for Political Changes: Advocating for necessary policy changes and reforms, addressing the public, employers, authorities, and other stakeholders in Austria.
maiz is a member of
- the Österreichisches Netzwerk der Frauen- und Mädchenberatungsstellen (Austrian network of women’s and girls‘ counseling centers)
- the Klagsverband zur Durchsetzung der Rechte von Diskriminierungsopfern (Litigation Association for the Enforcement of the Rights of Victims of Discrimination)